February 25, 2025
13 Experimental Animations of Osamu Tezuka, "the Godfather of Manga" (1964-1987)


Should you revel in mod­ern Japan­ese ani­ma­tion, you’ll surely identify sev­er­al mas­ter­items of the shape off the highest of your head, whether or not acclaimed collection like Neon Gen­e­sis Evan­ge­lion and Cow­boy Bebop to the paintings of cin­e­ma auteurs like Satoshi Kon and Hayao Miyaza­ki. What might go your thoughts much less learn­i­ly is how a lot those and oth­er ani­me professional­duc­tions owe to Astro Boy, or because it used to be recognized in Japan, Tet­suwan Ato­mu (“Mighty Atom”). First con­ceived at the web page by way of artist Osamu Tezu­ka, remem­bered nowadays as “the God­fa­ther of Guy­ga” (i.e., Japan­ese comics), it changed into an ani­mat­ed tele­vi­sion collection in 1962, a professional­duc­tion over­noticed — and destiny­ful­ly under-bud­get­ed — by way of Tezu­ka him­self.

“It used to be a stu­pid­ly low num­ber,” Tezu­ka lat­er wrote in his auto­bi­og­ra­phy of the per-episode fig­ure he quot­ed to his reluc­tant spon­sors. But in spite of the person­i­fold professional­duc­tion pressure­es it brought about, it compelled — like every serious lim­i­ta­tion — a great deal of cre­ativ­i­ty.

In time, writes Matt Alt in Natural Inven­tion: How Japan Made the Mod­ern Global, “the liked corridor­marks of Japan­ese ani­mat­ed fare — the strik­ing of the­atri­cal pos­es, the lin­ger­ing freeze-frames, the lim­it­ed levels of movement — developed from des­in step with­ate cost-sav­ing workarounds into fac­tors that dis­tin­guish ani­me from con­tent professional­duced in oth­er lands.”

After they have been first pub­licly screened in Novem­ber of 1962, the primary episodes of Astro Boy have been accom­pa­nied by way of a much less­er-known Tezu­ka undertaking: Stories from a Cer­tain Boulevard Cor­ner (ある街角の物語), a 40-minute movie craft­ed with an “anti-Dis­ney” aes­thet­ic. At Nishika­ta Movie Overview, Cathy Munroe Hotes describes this as “the primary of Tezuka’s jikken ani­ma­tion – or exper­i­males­tal works – which Tezu­ka made for artis­tic somewhat than com­mer­cial pur­pos­es. Even supposing the ani­ma­tion does make use of some unusu­al tech­niques similar to a POV shot of a aircraft tree seed fly­ing to the bottom, it isn’t ‘exper­i­males­tal’ within the usu­al sense of the phrase.”

The time period wager­ter fits one of the crucial oth­er works includ­ed in the playlist on the most sensible of the submit, which col­lects clips of a vari­ety of Tezuka’s exper­i­males­tal and qua­si-exper­i­males­tal ani­ma­tions professional­duced between the mid-nine­teen-six­ties and the overdue 8­ies (a lot of which will eas­i­ly be noticed in complete on Youtube), which col­lec­tive­ly exhib­it each imag­i­na­tive pow­er and a humorousness. “Mem­o­ry” (めもりい), from 1964, combine­es tra­di­tion­al ani­ma­tion with Mon­ty Python-style cutouts to depict the yearn­ings of a submit­battle wage­guy. The omnibus Percent­tures at an Exhi­bi­tion (展覧会の絵), made a cou­ple of years lat­er, sat­i­rizes mod­ern soci­ety in ten dif­fer­ent techniques, every scored with a transfer­ment of the epony­mous Mus­sorgsky piece.

Through the final years of Tezuka’s existence, the way of his ani­ma­tion turns out to have developed in sev­er­al direc­tions directly. “Soar­ing” (ジャンピング) from 1984, imag­ines what it will be like to leap ever-more-super­hu­guy heights from a first-per­son in step with­spec­tive; “Push” (プッシュ), from 1987, makes use of a extra con­ven­tion­al­ly automobile­toon­ish aes­thet­ic to ren­der a post-apoc­a­lyp­tic international dom­i­nat­ed by way of vend­ing machines. That very same 12 months, Tezu­ka — a descen­dant of famed samu­rai Hanzō Hat­tori — additionally launched “Mura­masa” (村正), a nuclear-anni­hello­l. a.­tion alle­move­ry a couple of hang-out­ed sword. The danger posed to Earth by way of guy used to be additionally the most important theme of Leg­finish of the For­est (森の伝説), left unfin­ished by the point of Tezuka’s dying in 1989 however lat­er picked up by way of his son Mako­to: simply one of the most rely­much less ani­ma­tors, Japan­ese and oth­er­smart, paintings­ing beneath the God­fa­ther’s influ­ence nowadays.

Relat­ed con­tent:

Watch the First Episode of Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy, Of Which Stan­ley Kubrick Was a Large Fan

Jim Chicken­son Cre­ates an Exper­i­males­tal Ani­ma­tion Provide an explanation for­ing How We Get Concepts (1966)

Watch the Outdated­est Japan­ese Ani­me Movie, Jun’ichi Kōuchi’s The Boring Sword (1917)

The Beau­ti­ful Anar­chy of the Ear­li­est Ani­mat­ed Automobile­toons: Discover an Archive with 200+ Ear­ly Ani­ma­tions

The Ori­gins of Ani­me: Watch Ear­ly Japan­ese Ani­ma­tions (1917 to 1931)

Watch Fan­tas­magorie, the Global’s First Ani­mat­ed Automobile­toon (1908)

Based totally in Seoul, Col­in Marshall writes and huge­casts on towns, lan­guage, and cul­ture. His initiatives come with the Sub­stack newslet­ter Books on Towns and the e book The State­much less Town: a Stroll thru Twenty first-Cen­tu­ry Los Ange­les. Fol­low him on Twit­ter at @colinmarshall or on Face­e book.

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