February 12, 2025
Horrifying 1906 Illustrations of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds: Discover the Art of Henrique Alvim Corrêa


H.G. Wells’ Conflict of the Worlds has ter­ri­fied and fas­ci­nat­ed learn­ers and writ­ers for many years since its 1898 pub­li­ca­tion and has impressed numer­ous adap­ta­tions. Essentially the most noto­ri­ous use of Wells’ e-book was once by way of Orson Welles, whom the writer known as “my lit­tle title­sake,” and whose 1938 Conflict of the Worlds Hal­loween radio play brought about pub­lic alarm (regardless that no longer actu­al­ly a country­al pan­ic). After the happen­rence, experiences Phil Klass, the actor remarked, “I’m excessive­ly sur­prised to be informed {that a} sto­ry, which has transform famil­iar to chil­dren throughout the medi­um of com­ic strips and plenty of suc­ceed­ing and adven­ture sto­ries, will have to have had such an imme­di­ate and professional­discovered impact upon radio lis­ten­ers.”


Certain­ly Welles knew this is pre­cise­ly why the wide­solid had the impact it did, espe­cial­ly in such an anx­ious pre-war cli­mate. The 1898 nov­el additionally famous person­tled its first learn­ers with its verisimil­i­tude, play­ing on a past due Vic­to­ri­an sense of apoc­a­lyp­tic doom because the turn-of-the cen­tu­ry approached.

However what con­tem­po­rary cir­cum­stances 8 years lat­er, we may received­der, fueled the imag­i­na­tion of Chicken­rique Alvim Cor­rêa, whose 1906 illus­tra­tions of the nov­el you’ll be able to see right here? Wells him­self licensed of those incred­i­ble draw­ings, prais­ing them sooner than their pub­li­ca­tion and say­ing, “Alvim Cor­rêa did extra for my paintings along with his brush than I with my pen.”


Certainly they cap­ture the nov­el­’s uncan­the big apple dread. Mar­t­ian tripods loom, ghast­ly and automobile­toon­ish, above blast­ed actual­ist land­scapes and scenes of pan­ic. In a single illus­tra­tion, a ugly, ten­ta­cled Mar­t­ian rav­ish­es a nude lady. In a sur­re­al­ist draw­ing of an aban­doned Lon­don above, eyes professional­trude from the construct­ings, and a skele­tal head seems above them. The alien tech­nol­o­gy steadily seems clum­sy and unso­phis­ti­cat­ed, which con­tributes to the gen­er­al­ly ter­ri­fy­ing absur­di­ty that emanates from those effective­ly ren­dered plates.


Alvim Cor­rêa was once a Brazil­ian artist liv­ing in Brus­sels and strug­gling for recog­ni­tion within the Euro­pean artwork global. His damage looked as if it would come when the Conflict of the Worlds illus­tra­tions have been print­ed in a large-for­mat, lim­it­ed French edi­tion of the e-book, with every of the five hundred copies signed by way of the artist him­self.

wells illustrated

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Cor­rêa’s tuber­cu­lo­sis killed him 4 years lat­er. His Conflict of the Worlds draw­ings didn’t deliver him reputation in his existence­time or after, however his paintings has been cher­ished since by way of a devot­ed cult fol­low­ing. The orig­i­nal prints you spot right here remained with the artist’s fam­i­ly till a sale of 31 of them in 1990. You’ll see many extra, in addition to scans from the e-book and a poster announc­ing the pub­li­ca­tion, at The Pub­lic Area Evaluate and the Mon­ster Brains web page.


Be aware: An ear­li­er ver­sion of this submit seemed on our web page in 2015.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Very First Illus­tra­tions of H.G. Wells’ The Conflict of the Worlds (1897)

Listen Orson Welles’ Conflict of the Worlds Radio Large­solid from 1938: The Orig­i­nal Story of Mys­te­ri­ous Items Fly­ing Over New Jer­sey

Edward Gorey Illus­trates H.G. Wells’ The Conflict of the Worlds in His Inim­itable Goth­ic Taste (1960)

Orson Welles Meets H.G. Wells in 1940: The Leg­ends Dis­cuss Conflict of the Worlds, Cit­i­zen Kane, and WWII

H.G. Wells Inter­perspectives Joseph Stal­in in 1934; Proclaims “I Am Extra to The Left Than You, Mr. Stal­in”

Josh Jones is a creator and musi­cian primarily based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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