March 3, 2025
The Mushroom Color Atlas: An Interactive Web Site Lets You Explore the Incredible Spectrum of Colors Created from Fungi

Input the Mush­room Col­or Atlas, and you’ll be able to dis­cov­er the “beau­ti­ful and sub­tle col­ors derived from dye­ing with mush­rooms.” Fea­tur­ing 825 col­ors, every asso­ci­at­ed with dif­fer­ent kinds of mush­rooms, the inter­ac­tive atlas means that you can appre­ci­ate the huge spec­trum of col­ors latent within the a laugh­gi king­dom. The sunglasses, tints, and colors will sur­prise you.

Julie Beel­er, a design­er liv­ing in Ore­gon, first introduced the inter­ac­tive Mush­room Col­or Atlas again in 2021. Now, she has launched a com­pan­ion e-book, The Mush­room Col­or Atlas: A Information to Dyes and Pig­ments Produced from A laugh­gi. Illus­trat­ed through Yuli Gates, the e-book is “equivalent portions artwork e-book, box information, and col­or dis­til­l. a.­tion paintings­store.” You’ll order your replica these days. The similar is going for a Mush­room Col­or Atlas poster.

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

A Stun­ning, Hand-Illus­trat­ed Guide of Mush­rooms Drawn through an Over­regarded nineteenth Cen­tu­ry Feminine Sci­en­tist

Björk Takes You on a Jour­ney into the Huge King­dom of Mush­rooms with the New Document­u­males­tary A laugh­gi: Internet of Lifestyles

The Beau­ti­ful­ly Illus­trat­ed Atlas of Mush­rooms: Edi­ble, Sus­pect and Poi­so­nous (1827)

John Cage Had a Sur­pris­ing Mush­room Obses­sion (Which Started with His Pover­ty within the Depres­sion)

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