January 2, 2025
When 20,000 Americans Held a Pro-Nazi Rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939

Above, two-time Acad­e­my Award nom­i­nee Mar­shall Cur­ry items A Evening at The Gar­den, a movie that revis­its an evening in Feb­ru­ary 1939 when “20,000 Amer­i­cans ral­lied in New York’s Madi­son Sq. Gar­den to cel­e­brate the upward thrust of Nazism — an tournament massive­ly for­were given­ten from U.S. his­to­ry.” As we described it again in 2017, the movie document­u­ments the fol­low­ing scene:

What you’re glance­ing at is the 1939 “Professional-Amer­i­can Ral­ly” (aka Professional-Nazi Ral­ly) spon­sored via the Ger­guy Amer­i­can Bund at Madi­son Sq. Gar­den on George Washington’s 207th Start­day. Ban­ners embla­zoned with such slo­gans as “Prevent Jew­ish Dom­i­na­tion of Chris­t­ian Amer­i­cans,” “Wake Up Amer­i­ca. Destroy Jew­ish Com­mu­nism,” and “a million Bund Mem­bers via 1940” dec­o­rat­ed the good corridor.

New York Town Might­or Fiorel­lo LaGuardia—an Epis­co­palian with a Jew­ish mom—thought to be can­cel­ing the development, however ulti­mate­ly he, along side the Amer­i­can Jew­ish Com­mit­tee and the Amer­i­can Civ­il Lib­er­ties Com­mit­tee decreed that the Bund was once exer­cis­ing its proper to unfastened speech and unfastened assem­bly.

A crowd of 20,000 stuffed the well-known sports activities venue in mid-town Guy­hat­tan to capac­i­ty. 1,500 police offi­cers have been provide to ren­der the Gar­den “a fort impreg­nable to anti-Nazis.” An esti­mat­ed 100,000 counter-demon­stra­tors have been gath­er­ing out­aspect.…

Essentially the most dis­turb­ing second within the quick movie comes on the 3:50 mark, when anoth­er secu­ri­ty power—the Bund’s Ord­nungs­di­enst or “Order Ser­vice” pile on Isidore Inexperienced­baum, a 26-year-old Jew­ish paintings­er who rushed the podi­um the place bun­des­führer Fritz Julius Kuhn was once fan­ning the flames of hatred. Valentine’s males even­tu­al­ly pulled them off, simply naked­ly guy­ag­ing to avoid wasting the “anti-Nazi” from the vicious beat­ing he was once underneath­pass­ing.

Made complete­ly from archival pictures filmed that night time, A Evening at The Gar­den “trans­ports audi­ences to this relax­ing gath­er­ing and shines a gentle at the pow­er of dem­a­goguery and anti-Semi­tism within the Unit­ed States.” You’ll be able to be informed extra about the movie and the 1939 ral­ly at Mar­shall Cur­ry’s internet web page.

Any sim­i­lar­i­ty to actu­al in step with­sons, liv­ing or useless, or oth­er xeno­pho­bic ral­lies being held this week­result in Madi­son Sq. Gar­den is natural­ly coin­ci­den­tal, in fact.

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