February 26, 2025
David Bowie's 100 Must Read Books

Symbol by way of Avro, by the use of Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

In 2013, the cura­tors of the excursion­ing muse­um exhib­it “David Bowie Is” launched a listing of David Bowie’s 100 favourite reads, professional­vid­ing us with deep­er insights into his lit­er­ary tastes. Cov­er­ing fic­tion and non-fic­tion, the checklist spans six many years, mov­ing from Richard Wright’s mem­oir Black Boy (1945) to Susan Jacoby’s The Age of Amer­i­can Unrea­son (2008). As we as soon as no longer­ed in anoth­er submit, “his checklist presentations numerous like to Amer­i­can writ­ers, from … Tru­guy Capote to … Hubert Sel­by way of, Jr., Saul Bel­low, Junot Díaz, Jack Ker­ouac and plenty of extra. He’s additionally very keen on fel­low Brits George Orwell, Ian McE­wan, and Julian Barnes and loves Mishi­ma and Bul­gakov.”  You’ll be able to learn the entire checklist under, and, if you select, additionally discover a relat­ed e-book from 2019–Bowie’s E book­shelf: The Hun­dred Books That Modified David Bowie’s Existence.

  1. Inter­perspectives With Fran­cis Baron Verulam by way of David Sylvester
  2. Bil­ly Liar by way of Kei­th Water­space
  3. Room At The Most sensible by way of John Braine
  4. On Hav­ing No Head by way of Dou­glass Exhausting­ing
  5. Kaf­ka Used to be The Rage by way of Ana­tole Bro­backyard
  6. A Clock­paintings Orange by way of Antho­big apple Burgess
  7. Town Of Evening by way of John Rechy
  8. The Transient Received­drous Existence Of Oscar Wao by way of Junot Diaz
  9. Madame Bovary by way of Gus­tave Flaubert
  10. Ili­advert by way of Homer
  11. As I Lay Demise by way of William Faulkn­er
  12. Tadanori Yokoo by way of Tadanori Yokoo
  13. Berlin Alexan­der­platz by way of Alfred Döblin
  14. Within The Whale And Oth­er Essays by way of George Orwell
  15. Mr. Nor­ris Adjustments Trains by way of Christo­pher Ish­er­wooden
  16. Halls Dic­tio­nary Of Sub­jects And Sym­bols In Artwork by way of James A. Corridor
  17. David Bomberg by way of Richard Cork
  18. Blast by way of Wyn­d­ham Lewis
  19. Cross­ing by way of Nel­los angeles Lar­son
  20. Past The Bril­lo Field by way of Arthur C. Dan­to
  21. The Ori­gin Of Con­scious­ness In The Destroy­down Of The Bicam­er­al Thoughts by way of Julian Jaynes
  22. In Bluebeard’s Cas­tle by way of George Stein­er
  23. Hawksmoor by way of Peter Ack­royd
  24. The Divid­ed Self by way of R. D. Laing
  25. The Stranger by way of Albert Camus
  26. Babies Of The Spring by way of Wal­lace Thur­guy
  27. The Quest For Christa T by way of Christa Wolf
  28. The Track­strains by way of Bruce Chatwin
  29. Nights At The Cir­cus by way of Angela Carter
  30. The Mas­ter And Mar­gari­ta by way of Mikhail Bul­gakov
  31. The Top Of Omit Jean Brodie by way of Muriel Spark
  32. Loli­ta by way of Vladimir Nabokov
  33. Her­zog by way of Saul Bel­low
  34. Puck­oon by way of Spike Mil­li­gan
  35. Black Boy by way of Richard Wright
  36. The Nice Gats­by way of by way of F. Scott Fitzger­ald
  37. The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea by way of Yukio Mishi­ma
  38. Darkish­ness At Midday by way of Arthur Koestler
  39. The Waste Land by way of T.S. Elliot
  40. McTeague by way of Frank Nor­ris
  41. Mon­ey by way of Mar­tin Amis
  42. The Out­sider by way of Col­in Wil­son
  43. Abnormal Peo­ple by way of Frank Edwards
  44. Eng­lish Jour­ney by way of J.B. Priest­ley
  45. A Con­fed­er­a­cy Of Dunces by way of John Kennedy Toole
  46. The Day Of The Locust by way of Nathanael West
  47. 1984 by way of George Orwell
  48. The Existence And Instances Of Lit­tle Richard by way of Charles White
  49. Awop­bopaloobop Alop­bam­increase: The Gold­en Age of Rock by way of Nik Cohn
  50. Mys­tery Educate by way of Greil Mar­cus
  51. Beano (com­ic, ’50s)
  52. Uncooked (com­ic, ’80s)
  53. White Noise by way of Don DeLil­lo
  54. Candy Soul Tune: Rhythm And Blues And The South­ern Dream Of Unfastened­dom by way of Peter Gural­nick
  55. Silence: Lec­tures And Writ­ing by way of John Cage
  56. Writ­ers At Paintings: The Paris Overview Inter­perspectives edit­ed by way of Mal­colm Cow­ley
  57. The Sound Of The Town: The Upward thrust Of Rock And Roll by way of Char­lie Gillette
  58. Octo­bri­ana And The Russ­ian Beneath­floor by way of Peter Sadecky
  59. The Side road by way of Ann Petry
  60. Received­der Boys by way of Michael Chabon
  61. Remaining Go out To Brook­lyn Through Hubert Sel­by way of, Jr.
  62. A Folks’s His­to­ry Of The Unit­ed States by way of Howard Zinn
  63. The Age Of Amer­i­can Unrea­son by way of Susan Jaco­by way of
  64. Met­ro­pol­i­tan Existence by way of Fran Lebowitz
  65. The Coast Of Utopia by way of Tom Prevent­pard
  66. The Bridge by way of Hart Crane
  67. All The Emperor’s Hors­es by way of David Kidd
  68. Fin­ger­smith by way of Sarah Waters
  69. Earth­ly Pow­ers by way of Antho­big apple Burgess
  70. The forty second Par­al­lel by way of John Dos Pas­sos
  71. Stories Of Beat­nik Glo­ry by way of Ed Saun­ders
  72. The Chicken Artist by way of Howard Nor­guy
  73. Nowhere To Run The Sto­ry Of Soul Tune by way of Ger­ri Hir­shey
  74. Prior to The Del­uge by way of Otto Friedrich
  75. Intercourse­u­al In line with­son­ae: Artwork And Deca­dence From Nefer­ti­ti To Emi­ly Dick­in­son by way of Camille Paglia
  76. The Amer­i­can Approach Of Dying by way of Jes­si­ca Mit­ford
  77. In Chilly Blood by way of Tru­guy Capote
  78. Girl Chatterly’s Lover by way of D.H. Lawrence
  79. Teenage by way of Jon Sav­age
  80. Vile Bod­ies by way of Eve­lyn Waugh
  81. The Concealed­den In line with­suaders by way of Vance Packard
  82. The Hearth Subsequent Time by way of James Bald­win
  83. Viz (com­ic, ear­ly ’80s)
  84. Pri­vate Eye (satir­i­cal magazine­a­zine, ’60s – ’80s)
  85. Make a selection­ed Poems by way of Frank O’Hara
  86. The Tri­al Of Chicken­ry Kissinger by way of Christo­pher Hitchens
  87. Flaubert’s Par­rot by way of Julian Barnes
  88. Mal­doror by way of Comte de Lautréa­mont
  89. On The Street by way of Jack Ker­ouac
  90. Mr. Wilson’s Cab­i­internet of Received­der by way of Lawrence Weschler
  91. Zanoni by way of Edward Bul­w­er-Lyt­ton
  92. Tran­scen­den­tal Magazine­ic, Its Document­trine and Rit­u­al by way of Eliphas Lévi
  93. The Gnos­tic Gospels by way of Elaine Pagels
  94. The Leop­ard by way of Giuseppe Di Lampe­dusa
  95. Infer­no by way of Dante Alighieri
  96. A Grave For A Dol­phin by way of Alber­to Den­ti di Pira­jno
  97. The Insult by way of Rupert Thom­son
  98. In Between The Sheets by way of Ian McE­wan
  99. A Folks’s Tragedy by way of Orlan­do Figes
  100. Jour­ney Into The Whirl­wind by way of Euge­nia Ginzburg

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Bowie’s E book­shelf: A New Essay Col­lec­tion on The 100 Books That Modified David Bowie’s Existence

Bri­an Eno Cre­ates a Listing of 20 Books That May Rebuild Civ­i­liza­tion

Hayao Miyaza­ki Selects His 50 Favourite Youngsters’s Books

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