February 28, 2025
Hear the Evolution of the London Accent Over 660 Years: From 1346 to 2006

Learn a nov­el by means of Charles Dick­ens, and also you’ll nonetheless as of late really feel trans­port­ed again to the Lon­don of the eigh­teen-twen­ties. A few of that expe­ri­ence owes to his lav­ish­ly repor­to­r­i­al descrip­tive talents, however much more to his means with dia­logue. Dick­ens religion­ful­ly cap­tured the vocab­u­lary of the days and puts wherein he set his sto­ries, and for some par­tic­u­lar­ly col­or­ful char­ac­ters, went so far as to ren­der their dis­tinc­tive accents pho­web­i­cal­ly: that of The Select­wick Papers’ loved valet Sam Weller, for example, with its change­ping of “v” and “w” sounds that in short over­took the East Finish. However it’s something to learn the voice of a Lon­don­er of that point, and slightly anoth­er to listen to it.

No audio file­ings exist of Dick­en­sian Lon­don, after all, however we now have the next-best factor in the video above from Youtu­ber Simon Rop­er — and specif­i­cal­ly the sec­tion that starts at about 11:30, when he according to­paperwork the accessory of a Lon­don­er within the yr 1826. Maximum each­factor he says must sound slightly intel­li­gi­ble to any Eng­lish-speak­er as of late, even though few, if any, will ever have encoun­tered some­one that speaks in slightly the similar means in actual lifestyles.

On this generation, Rop­er provides within the onscreen notes, “you’ll listen the beginning of glot­tal rein­drive­ment, the place a glot­tal prevent is insert­ed between a vow­el and a plo­sive con­so­nant on the finish of a phrase.” What’s extra, “non-rhotic­i­ty (r‑loss in maximum posi­tions) has led to vow­els that had been orig­i­nal­ly fol­lowed by means of ‘r’ to change into cen­ter­ing diph­thongs.”

Seri­ous stuff, for a person who describes him­self as “no longer a lin­guist.” Nev­er­the­much less, Rop­er has on this video assem­bled an impres­sive excursion of Lon­don accents over 660 years, with “twelve file­ings, all of fellows with sus­pi­cious­ly sim­i­lar voic­es, and every one is about 60 years after the closing one, and every one is the grand­son of the pre­vi­ous one.” (When the video went viral, the New States­guy professional­filed him for his reach­ment.) The ear­li­est, set in 1346, will sound extra famil­iar in cadence than in con­tent, a minimum of to those that haven’t stud­ied Mid­dle Eng­lish. Com­pre­chicken­sion does­n’t change into a far sim­pler mat­ter for many folks mod­erns till about 1586, however Rop­er’s accessory involves sound ver­i­ta­bly transat­lantic by means of 1766. In keeping with­haps no longer coin­ci­den­tal­ly, that used to be simply earlier than the Amer­i­cans broke off deci­sive­ly from the moth­er­land to do issues their very own means — but in addition to pre­serve among the outdated techniques, includ­ing techniques of speech.

Relat­ed con­tent:

A Temporary Excursion of British & Irish Accents: 14 Tactics to Talk Eng­lish in 84 Sec­onds

One Girl, 17 British Accents

Peter Promote­ers Items The Com­plete Information To Accents of The British Isles

A Excursion of U.S. Accents: Boston­ian, Philadelph­ese, Gul­lah Cre­ole & Oth­er Intrigu­ing Dialects

Meet the Amer­i­cans Who Talk with Eliz­a­bethan Eng­lish Accents: An Intro­duc­tion to the “Hoi Toi­ders” from Ocra­coke, North Automotive­oli­na

Based totally in Seoul, Col­in Marshall writes and wide­casts on towns, lan­guage, and cul­ture. His initiatives come with the Sub­stack newslet­ter Books on Towns and the e-book The State­much less Town: a Stroll thru Twenty first-Cen­tu­ry Los Ange­les. Fol­low him on Twit­ter at @colinmarshall or on Face­e-book.

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