February 25, 2025
When a Drunken Charles Bukowski Walked Off the Prestigious French Talk Show Apostrophes (1978)

Charles Bukows­ki did­n’t do TV — or a minimum of he did­n’t do Amer­i­can TV. Like a Hol­ly­wooden film superstar shoot­ing a Japan­ese com­mer­cial, he did make an excep­tion for a gig in another country. It hap­pened in 1978, when the poet gained an invi­ta­tion from the pop­u­lar French lit­er­ary communicate display Apos­tro­phes. Bukows­ki used to be­n’t the primary for­eign­er to grace its set: a couple of years ear­li­er, Vladimir Nabokov had come upfront of  the French trans­los angeles­tion of Ada, however best below the con­di­tions that he be allowed to pre-write his solutions and skim them off be aware­playing cards, and to drink whiskey from a teapot dur­ing the inter­view. No such niceties for the creator of Ham on Rye, who used to be arrange with ear­piece inter­pre­ta­tion and Sancerre immediately from the bot­tle.

Or moderately, bot­tles, plur­al: Bukows­ki had pol­ished off one in every of them by the point Apos­tro­phes host Bernard Piv­ot opened the are living huge­forged through ask­ing him the way it felt to be cel­e­brat­ed on French tele­vi­sion. Already inebriated, Bukows­ki reply­ed in a slurred and dis­mis­sive fash­ion. Issues dete­ri­o­rat­ed from there, and Bukows­ki stored ram­bling because the oth­er pan­elists attempted to automotive­ry on their con­ver­sa­tion. At one level François Cavan­na ven­tured a “Bukows­ki ta gueule”; quickly there­after, Piv­ot decide­ed for a extra direct “Bukows­ki, close up,” which instructed­ed the visitor of hon­or’s unsteadi­ly impromp­tu depar­ture. “Piv­ot bid him au revoir with a Gal­lic shrug,” writes Howard Sounes in Charles Bukows­ki: Locked within the Fingers of a Loopy Lifestyles.

“The next day to come, he didn’t remem­ber any­factor, in fact, however the entire of France used to be run­ning to ebook retail outlets to shop for his books,” says Barfly direc­tor Bar­guess Schroed­er within the document­u­males­tary The Ordi­nary Mad­ness of Charles Bukows­ki. “In a couple of hours they have been all bought out.” This suc­cès de scan­dale made Bukows­ki much more of a lit­er­ary rock superstar in France than he’d already change into. The episode has additionally been extensive­ly remem­bered within the Fran­coph­o­ne international for the reason that demise of Bernard Piv­ot ear­li­er this month, nev­er fail­ing to make the much-cir­cu­lat­ed lists of Apos­tro­phes’ maximum mem­o­rable huge­casts dur­ing its fif­teen-year run.


“Six mil­lion peo­ple watched him,” writes Adam Nos­siter in Piv­ot’s New York Instances obit­u­ary, “and close to­ly each­frame need­ed to be on his display. And close to­ly each­frame used to be, includ­ing French lit­er­ary giants like Mar­guerite Duras, Patrick Modi­ano, Jean-Marie Gus­tave Le Clézio, Mar­guerite Yource­nar and Georges Simenon.” (One very spe­cial episode even introduced on “a hag­gard-look­ing Alek­san­dr Solzhen­it­syn, now not lengthy out of the Sovi­et Union.”) With the exception of Bukows­ki, Apos­tro­phes’ visitor listing additionally includ­ed an overly dif­fer­ent Amer­i­can with an equivalent­ly enthu­si­as­tic French learn­er­send: the overdue Paul Auster, who — like lots of the cul­tur­al fig­ures whose seem­ances at the display you’ll sam­ple in this Youtube playlist — pre­ced­ed Piv­ot to that fab communicate display within the sky.

Relat­ed con­tent:

Bukows­ki Reads Bukows­ki: Watch a 1975 Document­u­males­tary Fea­tur­ing Charles Bukows­ki on the Top of His Pow­ers

“Don’t Take a look at”: The Phi­los­o­phy of the Exhausting­paintings­ing Charles Bukows­ki

Pay attention 130 Min­utes of Charles Bukowski’s First-Ever Document­ed Learn­ings (1968)

Charles Bukows­ki Reads His Poem “The Secret of My Staying power”

The Charles Bukows­ki Tapes: 52 Brief Inter­perspectives with the Underneath­flooring Poet

Bukows­ki: Born Into This — The Defin­i­tive Document­u­males­tary at the Exhausting-Liv­ing Amer­i­can Poet (2003)

Based totally in Seoul, Col­in Marshall writes and huge­casts on towns, lan­guage, and cul­ture. His tasks come with the Sub­stack newslet­ter Books on Towns and the ebook The State­much less Town: a Stroll via Twenty first-Cen­tu­ry Los Ange­les. Fol­low him on Twit­ter at @colinmarshall or on Face­ebook.

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