February 5, 2025
"The Virtues of Coffee" Explained in 1690 Ad: The Cure for Lethargy, Scurvy, Dropsy, Gout & More

Accord­ing to many his­to­ri­ans, the Eng­lish Enlight­en­ment might nev­er have hap­pened have been it no longer for cof­commission­hous­es, the pub­lic sphere the place poets, crit­ics, philoso­phers, felony minds, and oth­er intel­lec­tu­al gad­flies reg­u­lar­ly met to talk­ter concerning the press­ing con­cerns of the day. And but, writes schol­ar Bon­nie Cal­houn, “it was once no longer for the style of cof­commission that peo­ple flocked to those estab­lish­ments.”

Certainly, one irate pam­phle­teer outlined cof­commission, which was once right now with­out cream or sug­ar and usu­al­ly watered down, as “pud­dle-water, and so unpleasant in color and style [sic].”

No syrupy, high-dol­lar Mac­chi­atos or easy, creamy lattes stored them com­ing again. Slightly than the bev­er­age, “it was once the character of the insti­tu­tion that led to its pop­u­lar­i­ty to sky­rock­et dur­ing the sev­en­teenth and eigh­teenth cen­turies.”

How, then, have been professional­pri­etors to succeed in eco­nom­ic expansion? Just like the personal­er of the primary Eng­lish cof­fee-shop did in 1652, Lon­don mer­chant Samuel Worth deployed the time-hon­ored tac­tics of the moun­te­financial institution, the usage of adver­tis­ing to make all varieties of claims for espresso’s many “virtues” with the intention to con­vince con­sumers to drink the stuff at house. Within the 1690 vast­aspect above, writes Rebec­ca Onion at Slate, Worth made a “litany of claims for espresso’s well being ben­e­suits,” a few of which “we’d rec­og­nize these days and oth­ers that appear far-fetched.” Within the lat­ter cat­e­move­ry are asser­tions that “cof­fee-drink­ing pop­u­l. a.­tions didn’t get com­mon dis­eases” like child­ney stones or “Scur­vey, Gout, Drop­sie.” Cof­commission may additionally, Worth claimed, give a boost to listen­ing and “swoon­ing” and was once “exper­i­males­tal­ly just right to pre­vent Mis­automotive­riage.”

Amongst those spu­ri­ous med­ical ben­e­suits is checklist­ed a gen­uine impact of espresso—its reduction of “lethar­gy.” Worth’s oth­er drinks—“Chocolette, and Thee or Tea”—obtain a lot much less empha­sis since they didn’t require a troublesome promote. Nobody must be con­vinced of the ben­e­suits of cof­commission at the moment—certainly many people can’t func­tion with­out it. However as we sit down in cor­po­charge chain cafes, glued to sensible­telephones and lap­most sensible displays and maximum­ly ignor­ing every oth­er, our cof­commission­hous­es have develop into some­what faded imi­ta­tions of the ones colourful Enlight­en­ment-era estab­lish­ments the place, writes Cal­houn, “males [though rarely women] have been encour­elderly to have interaction in each ver­bal and writ­ten dis­path with reference for wit over rank.”

Relat­ed Con­tent:

“The Vertue of the COFFEE Drink”: An Advert for London’s First Cafe Print­ed Cir­ca 1652

How Caf­feine Fueled the Enlight­en­ment, Indus­tri­al Rev­o­lu­tion & the Mod­ern Global: An Intro­duc­tion by way of Michael Pol­lan

Philoso­phers Drink­ing Cof­commission: The Exces­sive Behavior of Kant, Voltaire & Kierkegaard

How Human­i­ty Were given Addicted to Cof­commission: An Ani­mat­ed His­to­ry

The Beginning of Espres­so: The Sto­ry In the back of the Cof­commission Pictures That Gas Mod­ern Lifestyles

Josh Jones is a author and musi­cian primarily based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness.“The Virtues of Cof­commission” Defined in 1690 Advert: The Treatment for Lethar­gy, Scurvy, Drop­sy, Gout & Extra

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