February 22, 2025
Gertrude Stein Gets a Snarky Rejection Letter from a Publisher (1912)


Gertrude Stein con­sid­ered her­self an exper­i­males­tal creator and wrote what The Poet­ry Foun­da­tion calls “dense poems and fic­tions, incessantly devoid of plot or dia­logue,” with the end result being that “com­mer­cial pub­lish­ers slight­ed her exper­i­males­tal writ­ings and crit­ics dis­overlooked them as incom­pre­rooster­si­ble.” Take, for examination­ple, what hap­pened when Stein despatched a person­u­script to Alfred C. Fifield, a Lon­don-based pub­lish­er, and won a rejec­tion let­ter mock­ing her prose in go back. Accord­ing to Let­ters of Be aware, the person­u­script in ques­tion was once pub­lished a few years lat­er as her mod­ernist nov­el, The Mak­ing of Amer­i­cans: Being a His­to­ry of a Fam­i­ly’s Development (1925). You’ll pay attention Stein learn­ing a selec­tion from the nov­el under.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Gertrude Stein Sends a “Evaluate” of The Nice Gats­by way of to F. Scott Fitzger­ald (1925)

No Girls Want Practice: A Dis­middle­en­ing 1938 Rejec­tion Let­ter from Dis­ney Ani­ma­tion

Alice B. Tok­las Reads Her Well-known Recipe for Cannabis Fudge (1963)

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