October 21, 2024
The Founder of the Red Cross Creates a Diagram of the Apocalypse (1887)

His­to­ry remem­bers Rooster­ry Dunant (1828–1910) for 2 issues–being the co-founder of the Purple Pass transfer­ment and win­ning the primary Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.

Much less widely recognized is his dia­gram of the Apoc­a­lypse. Between 1877 and 1890, notes the Purple Pass Muse­um internet­website online, Rooster­ry Dunant “professional­duced a chain of dia­grams mirror­ing his dis­tinc­tive below­stand­ing of humanity’s previous and long run. Impressed through Chris­t­ian revival­ism, the draw­ings depict a time­line from the Flood of Noah to what Dunant believed was once an impend­ing Apoc­a­lypse. The dia­grams fuse mys­ti­cal ref­er­ences with bib­li­cal, his­toric and sci­en­tif­ic occasions, whilst additionally set­ting up a transparent oppo­si­tion between Gene­va, because the cen­tre of the Ref­or­ma­tion, and the Catholic Church.”

The picture above is the primary draw­ing out of a chain of 4, made with col­ored pen­cils, ink, India ink, wax crayons, and water­col­ors. Writes Messy Nessy, Dunant “spent con­sid­er­ready time at the draw­ings, organ­is­ing the sym­bol­ic ele­ments accord­ing to a strict log­ic, mak­ing prepara­to­ry comic strip­es and painstak­ing­ly incor­po­rat­ing draw­ings and color­ings into his chronol­o­gy.” All alongside, he was once dri­ven through the realization that the Apoc­a­lypse was once within the off­ing, simply a little while means.

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